How to register your business to collect sales taxes

June 14, 2013 5 min read

collect sales taxes collect sales taxes As a business owner, one of your responsibilities is to collect sales taxes from your customers on behalf of the state your business has nexus in. Before you can start collecting sales taxes from your customers though, you need to register for this legal
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South Carolina sales tax exemption court case thrown out

May 29, 2013 5 min read

The South Carolina Supreme Court has maintained the state’s current sales tax exemptions, at least for now. This May, it threw out a lawsuit challenging billions of dollars worth of exemptions. The court threw out the lawsuit on a technicality however and didn’t weigh in on the validity of the case.
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Oregon sales tax discussed by lawmakers

April 26, 2013 6 min read

Oregon sales tax Oregon sales tax Oregon is currently one of only five states without a sales tax. This may change though with upcoming legislation. On April 15th, Oregon lawmakers held a hearing to discuss whether the state should add a 5 % sales tax on most goods and services.
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Temporary Kansas sales tax may become permanent

April 26, 2013 5 min read

Temporary Kansas sales tax Temporary Kansas sales tax Nearly three years ago, the temporary Kansas sales tax increased its sales tax to 6.3 percent up from 5.7 percent. This tax increase is set to expire this July 1st. Governor Sam Brownback is now pushing to keep this tax increase permanent
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The taxability of warranty repairs

April 16, 2013 5 min read

taxability of warranty repairs taxability of warranty repairs As a vendor, it is your job to collect sales taxes according to state laws. This can seem a bit confusing for a service like warranty repairs that is sold and delivered at different times. If your business handles repairs in multiple
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The basics of exemption certificate validity periods

April 10, 2013 5 min read

As a vendor, there are a number of times when you can make sales without charging sales tax. Before you can make these transactions, you need to have a valid exemption certificate from the purchaser. Each state has different rules for the validity periods of its exemption certificates.
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Minnesota spray tan tax free!

January 11, 2013 7 min read

spray tan tax free Minnesota spray tan tax free! Good news everyone! The Minnesota Department of Revenue has confirmed that spray tanning is NOT taxable. Yes, you heard me right, spray tan tax free! So don’t hesitate to run right out there and turn your pastie white complexion a bright,
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Energy Star tax free weekend in Texas

May 25, 2012 5 min read

Texas declares a tax free weekend for ENERGY STAR appliances.  Sales tax holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. (after midnight) on Saturday, May 26, and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 28 (Memorial Day). The products qualifying for the exemption are:
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South Carolina house takes sales tax exemptions off the chopping block

April 30, 2012 7 min read

tax exemptions tax exemptions By Lucinda Rowlands, Zip2Tax The House Ways and Means Committee on April 25, 2012 approved a bill eliminating 22 exemptions, after putting about a dozen back on the exemption list. The bill initially eliminated exemptions worth more than $250 million. The amended bill reduces that to
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Variability of sales taxes in local markets

March 25, 2011 6 min read

We all know about state-wide sales taxes, but do you know what you’re paying locally? By Lucinda Rowlands   Retail sales taxes are often represented as a flat rate for each of the 50 states. In fact, many online shopping carts only allow merchants to input a single rate per
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